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The One-Man Army

Dear Friend,

Last week, I was proud to celebrate the memory and service of the late Korean War veteran, U.S. Army Sergeant First Class Roy Tachias. It was an honor to help the Tachias family obtain the medals and awards Sgt. Tachias had earned but never received.

On November 7, 1950, then-Private Roy Tachias distinguished himself during a single-handed and fearless stand on the front lines of the Korean War. He had been manning an outpost all alone when enemy forces launched an attack. Private Tachias leapt to his feet and charged with hand grenades and his rifle. His one-man stand caused so much fear and confusion that the enemy withdrew in total disarray. In coverage of his heroic actions, the Stars and Stripes newspaper called him “The One-Man Army.”

PHOTO: Lieutenant Colonel Michael Tachias and Ramoncita Tachias, son and surviving spouse of Sergeant First Class Roy Tachias, join U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich for a ceremony to present service medals and awards recognizing his meritorious service in Korea, June 19, 2023.

Sgt. Tachias’ fearless one-man stand earned him a Silver Star Medal for singular valor. He also earned a Bronze Star Medal for his meritorious service in Korea. He would go on to serve our nation in a full career of 20 years in the Army. But he never received the medals he had earned in Korea. When his family contacted my office and told us this, we went to work. At the ceremony, I was honored to present the Silver Star, Bronze Star, a Purple Heart, and 13 additional medals and awards to Sgt. Tachias’ widow, Ramoncita Tachias.

My office can assist service members, veterans, and their families in obtaining replacement medals and awards, medals and awards earned but never received, copies of military service records, and military discharge documents. To learn more, you can visit the new Medal Retrieval Assistance page on my website.

We have also helped hundreds of service members and veterans across New Mexico access their VA health care and benefits. Whether you or a family member are experiencing trouble filing a claim, receiving benefits, accessing health benefits or military records, or other issues, we are here to help. Please contact my office by calling (505) 346-6601 or by visiting the Veterans Resources Center on my website for additional assistance.


United States Senator