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The ultimate sacrifice

Dear Friend,

Today we honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country. We reflect on their courage and bravery. And we stand with their loved ones, holding the heaviness of their grief in our hearts. 

For many generations, New Mexicans have answered the call of duty – from Navajo Code Talkers and those in the Bataan Death March to GIs in the Korean and Vietnam War, to those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan to the service members at our state’s military bases or deployed at locations across the world.

New Mexicans have fearlessly accepted all that comes with this legacy of service, even when that includes the greatest sacrifice.

Memorial Day calls us to rededicate ourselves to the patriotic mission our fallen heroes gave their lives to advance. As President Lincoln reminded us at Gettysburg, it is for us, the living, to complete the unfinished work of those who fought and died to deliver our freedom.


United States Senator