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WATCH: Discussion on Vaccines for Kids with UNM Pediatrician

Dear Friend,

I hosted a Facebook Live discussion today with Dr. Heather Pratt-Chavez, a pediatrician at the University of New Mexico Hospital, about the safe, effective, and approved COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5 and older. As a parent of two teenage boys, I thought it would be helpful for parents around New Mexico to hear directly from a leading expert in our state about the COVID-19 vaccine that is now approved for children.

>>I hope you can take a moment to watch and share the video with parents in New Mexico who have questions about scheduling a vaccine appointment for their child.

VIDEO: U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich discusses the safe, effective, and approved COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5 and up with UNM pediatrician, Dr. Heather Pratt-Chavez, November 18, 2021.

As a parent myself, I know how seriously we have to consider questions about what is best for the health of our kids. I really hope that our conversation today will help parents and families in our state who are trying to make the right decision for their kids. I encourage all New Mexicans to consult with your pediatrician, your doctor, or other trusted health provider if you have any questions about the COVID-19 vaccines. For more information about how to schedule a vaccine appointment, you can also visit the New Mexico Department of Health’s website,

A successful rollout of the safe and effective dose of the COVID-19 vaccine for children is a critical step in helping us continue to fight this deadly virus, in protecting our kids and their loved ones, and in finally getting us all back to a real sense of normalcy. And if parents take action quickly to schedule appointments, their kids will complete their vaccination process in time for family gatherings around the Holidays in December.

If that’s not something to be thankful for, I don’t know what is.


United States Senator