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My Winter 2022-2023 Veterans Newsletter

Dear Friend,

Please take a moment to read the latest edition of my Veterans Newsletter that provides an update on the work I have been doing on behalf of veterans and military families in New Mexico.

2022 Veterans Newsletter

Download My Veterans Newsletter HERE

I am committed to keeping America's promise to our heroic veterans who have sacrificed so much and their families so that they receive the benefits they have earned.

My office has helped hundreds of veterans across New Mexico access their care and benefits. Whether you or a family member is having trouble filing a claim, receiving benefits, accessing health benefits or military records, replacing medals, or other veterans issues, my office is here to help. Please contact my office by calling (505) 346-6601 or visit the Veterans Resources Center on my website.

I hope you enjoy the Winter 2022-2023 edition of my Veterans Newsletter.



United States Senator