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Protecting your fundamental freedoms

Dear Friend,

Overturning Roe v. Wade was just the beginning of Republicans’ agenda to strip women of their reproductive freedoms. Now, they are coming after American’s ability to grow their families through in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Earlier this month, Alabama’s State Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos created during IVF are “children” under state law. As a result, clinics in Alabama have already suspended IVF services for patients.

Let’s be clear: this Alabama ruling is the latest tactic meant to restrict access to reproductive health care and ban abortion nationwide. And for the millions of American families who depend on these procedures to grow their families, this decision is devastating.

We cannot let these attacks on women and families stand.

That’s why I just cosponsored the Access to Family Building Act, legislation to protect every American’s right to access IVF and other assisted reproductive technology services that millions rely on.

Leading the charge in the Senate to protect your reproductive health care

Reproductive Health Providers

PHOTO: U.S. Senators Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) and Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.) hosted a discussion in Las Cruces with local health care providers and advocates to talk about current and future plans to provide abortion services to New Mexicans and others from nearby states, August 16, 2022.

I am continuing the fight to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act in Congress to codify a woman’s freedom to choose under federal law. This legislation would guarantee women’s access to abortion across the country and restore the right to comprehensive reproductive health care for millions of Americans. Passing this bill is the singular, most important action we can take to prevent Republicans from banning abortion nationwide.

At the same time, we must maintain access to medication abortion. I introduced a resolution that affirms the scientific judgment of the FDA that mifepristone is safe and effective. Access to lifesaving, time-sensitive medication abortion care in the United States should be equitable and based on science, plain and simple.

I have also cosponsored the Protecting Service Members and Military Families’ Access to Health Care Act, legislation that would codify the Department of Defense’s (DOD) February 16, 2023 policy to ensure service members and their families can access non-covered reproductive health care, including abortion services, regardless of the state in which they are stationed. This is a crucial step to making sure our military personnel and their loved ones can access the health care they need and deserve.

As Republicans continue their crusade to dismantle Americans’ most fundamental freedoms, I won’t stop fighting to protect women’s right to control their own bodies and protect New Mexicans’ ability to make their own decisions for themselves and their families. 


United States Senator