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Heinrich: TrumpCare Will Be A Disaster For New Mexico

WASHINGTON, D.C. –Today, U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) issued the following statement after House Republicans voted to pass their health care bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act:

“President Trump and Republicans in Congress are rushing through a disastrous plan that threatens health coverage for thousands of New Mexico families. Under the Republican health care plan, hundreds of thousands of New Mexicans will lose their coverage – stripping away health insurance from children, seniors, hardworking families, and decimating health care in rural New Mexico.

“The health care proposal put forward by President Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan is also an attempt to destroy Medicaid as we know it. If Republicans find a way to pass their proposed cuts to Medicaid, the state of New Mexico would have to either come up with a way to raise $11 billion more over the next 10 years or cut coverage for thousands of New Mexicans.

“I am extremely disappointed that House Republicans voted to pass a bill that would take away protections for people with pre-existing conditions and offer as a replacement underfunded high-risk pools – where they will likely receive limited coverage and face higher costs.

“With our state’s many unique health care challenges, New Mexicans simply cannot afford the damage to our health care system that TrumpCare will bring. I have heard stories from countless New Mexicans who rely on the major gains we have seen thanks to health care reform. These are seniors, young people, parents, doctors, nurses, and people with serious medical conditions. These are people receiving opioid treatment, children with asthma, and women in rural parts of the state that are finally able to access preventative care. They are all terrified of the consequences if President Trump and Republicans rush this reckless plan through Congress.

“Simply put, under TrumpCare New Mexicans will be left paying more for less health coverage, our health care system will be thrown into chaos, and thousands across the state stand to lose their coverage all together. All so that a hedge fund manager can get a six-figure tax break.

“It is not only unacceptable, but also irresponsible, to force this disaster of a bill through Congress. I will keep fighting to ensure that health care is within reach for every New Mexican.”