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PHOTO: Heinrich Hosts Teacher Listening Session In Taos

PHOTO: U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich hosts a listening session at Taos High School with Taos Municipal School educators. August 21, 2017. 

SANTA FE, N.M. – U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) hosted a roundtable with Taos Municipal School educators to discuss challenges and opportunities for education in rural New Mexico and what’s at stake under President Trump’s proposed education budget cuts. 

“Every child in every school deserves an opportunity to benefit from a great public education. In New Mexico and across the nation, teachers are on the frontlines making an impact every day in the lives of our students,” said Senator Heinrich. “I will continue to work to ensure that educators have the resources, training, and support they need to help students succeed.” 

The conversation, organized by the American Federation of Teachers New Mexico and Taos Federation of United School Employees #1450, focused on protecting Title II funding, science, technology, engineering and mathemathics (STEM) education, early literacy needs, and providing quality public education for New Mexico’s rural students, districts, and communities while supporting the needs of public education professionals.

“We are thankful for Senator Heinrich’s continued commitment to New Mexico’s students and our public educators. From day one of his tenure in Congress, Senator Heinrich has worked to ensure New Mexico students are protected, and has prioritized the needs of public education professionals at all levels. Additionally, the Senator has ensured the voices of working professionals – especially union voices – have been heard and valued,” said Stephanie Ly, President of American Federation of Teachers New Mexico.

“This visit by Senator Heinrich was important for the members of TFUSE Local #1450. The Senator led a robust conversation about the future of public education under the current administration, amid proposed budgetary cuts. His commitment to New Mexico is without question, and importantly, he genuinely listened to our concerns as education professionals serving in a rural community with needs that would be disproportionately impacted should such proposed cuts be enacted,” said Francis Hahn, President of Taos Federation of United School Employees #1450.

Senator Heinrich has been leading in the Senate to level the playing field for New Mexico children and families. He is fighting President Trump’s proposed cuts to afterschool programs and programs that help schools that serve students in rural communities, such as the Rural Low-Income School Program. Senator Heinrich also introduced the bipartisan Two Generation Economic Empowerment Act that focuses on building a strong foundation in early learning for children, and workforce development and college attainment for parents to help families grow together and get on a more prosperous path.