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All in for our kids

Dear Friend,

addressed a joint session of the New Mexico Legislature today. We are in an unprecedented moment of opportunity as a state, and I called on our leaders at the Roundhouse to be all in to deliver on a brighter future for our kids.

>>I hope you can take a moment to watch and share the video of my remarks.


VIDEO: U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich addresses a joint session of the New Mexico Legislature, February 13, 2023.

New Mexicans have faced extraordinary challenges over the past several years. And yet, we have accomplished so much together to directly improve New Mexico’s future.

No recent decision coming out of our Legislature has been more consequential than last year’s passage of House Joint Resolution 1 to invest in our children’s early education. A resounding 70% of New Mexicans voted in support of the early childhood constitutional amendment in November. I was proud to lead the effort in Congress to pass federal authorizing legislation.

This is an unprecedented moment of opportunity for us as a state. It is also an unprecedented moment of responsibility for elected leaders. A moment where we must commit to being all in for our kids. And to take on the challenges that have been written off for far too long as unsolvable.

From the Roundhouse to the United States Capitol, our North Star must be the future New Mexico that we are building for our children. I want this rising generation of New Mexicans to receive an education that gives them a fair shot at the jobs of tomorrow. I want them to be excited about building a career and a family right here in our state.

With historic state budget surpluses and billions of dollars in federal investments heading to New Mexico, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to shift from surviving to thriving - as a state and as a community.

To do that, our leaders must be brave, bold, and creative.

In other words, we must be all in.

United States Senator